Monday, September 1, 2008

Manic Monday!

Today's agenda has been scaled down due to hurricane Gustav. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those in the path of the hurricane. We know we have many members who needed to evacuate and fragile patients as well. We will continue to look toward a quick and safe return for all to their homes.

This morning Penny Moyers-Cleveland and I attended the National Republican Congressional Committee for breakfast. At this event we ran into a man who has worked for the last four years to develop a piece of adaptive equipment for individuals with spinal cord injuries. We enjoyed hearing about the process and exchanged cards so he can get more information to us. This was one of those chance encounters that is a reminder of what a small world we live in.

This afternoon, Tim and Penny, attended the business session of the delegates at the Xcel Energy Center. I attended a reception for Senate Council held by the National Republican Senatorial Committee. I was fortunate to have been able to greet Senator John Ensign (NV) and meet his wife Darlene. Darlene told me her son received occupational therapy services, and as we were talking about it she was pulled to the stage so we will connect later and I will find out more details! Senator Ensign is a long time champion for occupational therapy, specifically regarding the Medicare Therapy Cap! Senator Orin Hatch (UT) also addressed the crowd and we enjoyed music by Lee Greenwood for the remainder of the reception. We were introduced to several Republican candidates. Unfortunately, two of the three were not able to be in attendance as they were in their home states to assist with hurricane Gustav and its effects in their communities.

I will start a separate section this evening with more information on the candidates we are meeting here in Minneapolis.


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