Friday, September 5, 2008

PAC Chair Protects Lobbyist and President

Well, we were fortunate enough to have credentials to the convention floor Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. On Monday, Tim and Penny went without me and had the incident with protesters throwing rocks at the their bus from the overpass. Wednesday and Thursday evening I joined them on the journey and we can report zero run in's with protesters--clearly my presence protected Penny and Tim from harm.

This morning we attended the Creative Coalition event from Hollywood to the Hill and listened to a great panel on the state of health care today and where we are headed. We connected with the American Nurses Association (ANA), and will be looking to collaborate further with them as they see us as a vital part of their health care reform legislation. Tim asked the question on the minds of everyone in the room when he asked Senator Arlen Specter (PA) about where mental health parity fits in with reform. He answered the question with good confidence that the mental health parity bill should be able to pass Congress before the adjournment of the fall session. Other key topics at the luncheon were prevention, overall reform, re-authorization of SCHIP, and the need for bipartisan support for health care reform and the parties to work together.

Just when you thought the blog was were wrong. Check back Monday for a big announcement! By then Tim and Penny will hopefully had time to post their closing thoughts on the conventions.

Stay tuned, you will not want to miss this announcement!

Happy Friday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am an Occupational Therapy Student currently in my Graduate year of OT school attending West Virginia University, in Morgantown, WV. I am very excited to read that there shows to be what appears a united front from various health care practitioners, the American Nurses Association, in particular in conjunction with AOTA in that providing a unified front to combat the special populations of America. Having different health care professions lobbying for the same peoples, for the same parities to be shared between them will only strenghthen OT in general, in addition to strengthening health care overall. The combined forces of the two will translate as well into all levels of healthcare administered in that a common ground will have been established for OTs and Nurses to work together for the continued future. This is a prime example of client-centerdness at its best.